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Rooch Bridge Usage Guide

Contributed by Rooch community developer stom698

1. Visit the Bridge Website

Rooch Bridge URL: https://rooch.free.tech/rooch (opens in a new tab)

2. Transfer USDT to Rooch via Bridge

To transfer USDT to Rooch, connect EVM Wallets.

Select the Lock-Mint function.

After connecting, you can select the network as shown below:

Currently, only Ethereum and Arbitrum chains are supported for bridge transfers, as shown below:

After selecting, you can transfer USDT to Rooch via the bridge. Enter the amount of USDT to transfer and the Rooch address to receive it, as shown below:

If you don't know what the Rooch Address is, you can check it in the Rooch Portal.

Rooch Portal URL: https://portal.rooch.network/ (opens in a new tab)

Connect your wallet and visit the Account page. The Rooch Address noted there is the address you need to enter.

After filling in the information, click the button to proceed with the transaction. The information for this bridge transfer will be generated, and upon success, it will look like the image below.

3. Transfer USDT out of Rooch via Bridge

Refer to the steps for transferring in, connect the Rooch wallet, select the Burn-Unlock function, and then enter the details as shown below:

After filling in the details and signing the transaction, wait for it to complete as shown below: